The Sap Xstep Training

We will have a guide on the SAP Xstep training in this section. It will help us on how we will use the SAP training.

What Is Sap Xstep Training?

Sap Xstep is an online SAP training. We can use it in SAP learning. It will help us to get more knowledge in it. The online SAP training is used to know more about the SAP. It will help us to get more knowledge on SAP.

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We can use it in our daily work activities. It will help us to learn SAP with the help of it. We can get more information on the SAP with the help of this training. We will have a guide on how we will use it here.

Sap Xstep Training Guide

We will have a guide on how we will use the Sap Xstep training in this section. It will help us to get more knowledge in it. The following are the steps that we should follow:

Logging On To The Websites

Before using the SAP Xstep, we should log into the website first. We should follow the steps below:

The first step that we should do is to open our web browser and type in the URL of the lloginpage.

This will open the login page for us where we need to enter our username and password then click Enter. Then, follow the steps:

  • We have to click on Login.
  • After that, a new window will appear where we need to click on Register.
  • We can click on Skip directly if we are already registered or click on Register again if we are not registered yet.
  • We can choose one username and password for it and then click Proceed.
  • Then, we have to provide our personal information and then click Submit.
  • After that, a message will appear where we need to click on Continue
  • Next, then Finish, and finally OK.
  • Now that we are already logged into our website, we can now start using the SAP Xstep!

Xstep Courses For Users And Developers

After logging into our website, now what? Well, now what is that we should check out for Xstep courses for users and developers for us.

There are many Xstep courses for users and developers that we can check out. We have to click on the course that we want to learn more about.

Then, we have to click on the Learn More buttonĀ 

  • After clicking on the Learn More button, a new window will appear where we need to click on the Start Course button.
  • We can also click on the Play button if we want to try it out first before clicking on the Start Course button.
  • We can watch a video about the SAP Xstep by clicking on the Play button.

If we like what we saw, then we should click on the Start Course button. This will take us to another window where we need to enter our username and password again so it will record our activities there.

  • After entering our username and password, you should click Proceed.
  • A message will appear where you need to click on Continue.
  • Then, you have to accept the conditions for you to use the SAP Xstep by clicking Accept.
  • After that, a new window will appear where we need to click on Finish.

Now that you are already logged in and you have accepted all of it. Then now you can start using this SAP Xstep.