How to Master SAP PM

The SAP PM (Plant Maintenance) application is a module that offers businesses complete software solutions for all maintenance tasks that are carried out within an organization. The application offers a user friendly-graphical interface meets unique needs of diverse businesses because of its immense possibilities for customization. The functions as well as data of all maintenance related procedures carried out within a company may be interrelated. The openness which the R/s application provides makes it easier for the external systems ton be integrated with components of SAP plant maintenance such as computer aided design, data acquisition systems and supervisory control systems.

Benefits of SAP PM Processes

It automates all processes for maintenance requests and facility repairs. For instance, the system can record recorded problems, materials and labor planned costs which have been recorded and settled. Also, the system allows the business to find out and document failures with the aim of correcting failures and depreciation of business assets.

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SAP Plant Maintenance Activities 

Among the most common SAP plant maintenance activities include:

  • Inspection

This covers certain measures which aim at establishing the present condition of a technical system.

  • Preventive maintenance

This covers all measures that aim to maintain technical systems in proper working condition. The main purpose of preventive maintenance is to ensure that the availability of a business, technical system such as production plants in the long run.

  • Repairs

This covers measures that are aimed at restoring the technical systems to their ideal operating conditions. There are many levels of maintenance; processing and not all of them require to be implemented in full. This makes it possible to process a repair by using several planning stages such as initial costing, material provision, permits and resource scheduling among others.

Certification – The Best Way to Master SAP PM

SAP PM training is intended at helping the learners make informed business decisions that are grounded on an in-depth understanding of business solutions. Also, it’s aimed at bringing SAP Knowledge to a basic level which helps the user participate actively in business decisions. The education provides interested persons with valuable insights into how the system works. The certification tests are offered in various countries for anyone who wants to be an applications consultant for SAP PM. The training aims at imparting fundamental knowledge in important areas of SAP plant maintenance training and enable them apply this kind of knowledge in a project management environment.

Online or Face to Face Learning? 

Those interested in SAP training can choose between face to face learning and online training. There are many training service providers from around the world who have been contracted to train students on SAP and administer examinations. Learners can choose their way of learning that offers them convenience while also helping them achieve their goals.


Certainly, there is no better way of how to master SAP plant maintenance than through learning. Choose a learning services provider that is near you and enroll for the valuable lessons which will help you understand how important business decisions are made and processes carried out with regard to SAP PM.

Marissa Hart is the Lead Author & Editor ShareMe. ShareMe is a blog focused on SharePoint Online. SharePoint Online delivers the powerful features of SharePoint without the associated overhead of managing the infrastructure.