Understanding SAP Sybase

Hundreds and thousands of people are visiting various online sites hosting articles related to SAP Sybase on a daily basis with the intention of understanding its features, services, and other vital information. However, due to complexity of online searching and presence of few sites with the exact information, most of them end up with futile results. Nevertheless, worry no more as this article presents you with a comprehensive analysis, which leads to effective understanding of of the above company.

Brief Overview of SAP Sybase

SAP, a big enterprise company from Germany based in Walldorf, bought the shares of Sybase (a database and enterprise software provider). SAP bought it at a price tag of about $5.8 billion to own and run the entire services of Sybase, hence the name Sap Sybase. Therefore, Sybase, under the umbrella of SAP Company, is a software and services firm offering stunning software to analyze, manage, and mobilize information. It achieves this vital role by using rational databases, mobile application(s) development platform(s), and data and/or analytics warehousing solutions.

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Why Choose its Services?

After amalgamation, the above company has become one of the fastest growing database providers that offer solutions fitting any unique business needs. To achieve this, it offers amazing transactional applications, data storage, and data analysis. In addition, to complement and enhance the database solutions you build for your customers, the above company embeds the database directly into an application(s) or onto a selected mobile device. The overall benefit of database management systems offered by the above company is that it helps your customer(s) to make smarter decisions while driving an operational efficiency across your business/organization. In this regard, the following are major reasons as to why you need to go for its database solutions:

  • Customer satisfaction ratings are above 97 percent
  •  Its Databases are in use worldwide by over 30,000 customers
  • Statistics conducted in 2012 by Source Waters reveals that 90 percent of the top 50 security firms and banks use the stunning databases from the above company
  •  In addition, for several years, Wall Street has recognized the above company as the number one database solution provider

SAP Sybase Database Solutions

The combined expertise and innovation of Sybase and Sap has redefined the database market and helped their clients turn their data into a more competitive advantage. The unified company offers database-solution versions for systems operating in Windows, Linux, and UNIX. In addition, it has several database solutions that suit different customer needs, which include the following:

  •  SAP Sybase ASE
  •  Sybase SQL Anywhere
  •  Sybase Replication Server
  •   SAP Sybase IQ

Build solution(s) on above company and win big

Did you know that you could win big once you have built solution(s) on Sap Sybase? Right, their database solutions leverage in cloud, memory, and even mobile technologies. Therefore, you can enjoy the following with its solutions:

  •  Scale; it can support thousands and millions of transactions in a single minute with its large size (in the range of terabyte) databases
  • Deliver; it offers high performance with its in-memory databases
  •  You can minimize costs by managing your data in the cloud
  • You can embed your databases with your mobile devices/applications if you need broad distribution


Are you there wondering where you can get smart database technologies and solutions that helps you build products that really sell as well as provision of a lower TCO to your clienteles? Well, wait no more; build technically stunning and superior products with database solutions from Sap Sybase.

Marissa Hart is the Lead Author & Editor ShareMe. ShareMe is a blog focused on SharePoint Online. SharePoint Online delivers the powerful features of SharePoint without the associated overhead of managing the infrastructure.