Creating a SAP Billing Document

A SAP billing document is the same as a delivery document in many aspects. In both documents, there is an item level and header. Like in sales documents, they do not have schedule line levels. On therefore has to configure things on their own. During the configuration process, one could maintain the billing document they get, which is the same as referencing, or they can create their own.

You can create your own by copying the billing type key and changing it. However, when creating new document types one should be careful. The name range used should always have prefixes of Z at the beginning. One must keep in mind that the data on the header determines how the document behaves. The billing document only utilizes internal assignments, and cannot have an external range.

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Creating a SAP Billing Document

Control sections

A SAP billing document has several control sections, which as the name suggests, control how it works. To fully understand control data and sections, one must first understand the various designations and what exists in the general control data section. For instance, the SAP standard designation is M for invoices and J for delivery and so on. When assigning transaction groups, 7 goes to billing documents and 8 for invoices. The type of document is relevant when the creation process begins. Whatever document the system uses, the general control data section will determine its working. The following are some of the more specific control data sections.

The posting block is a section that controls the release of the billing document. It prevents its automatic release to accounting and therefore one has to do it manually. To do the manual release, on the billing document one goes to billing and selects change. From the change menu they select release to accounting.

The statistics checkbox checks whether the billing document has some use. It indicates whether it is relevant for use in updating various information systems like the sales information system.

Another section in the SAP Billing Document  comes under the billing document type. The category helps set various classifications and screen variants.

The branch office determines the master record that is to be used when updating the accounting documents. If the person buying is different from the sold to party, then they are transferred to the financial accounting section where they become a customer.

The list of types of invoice comes in handy when one needs to create invoices for their billing document. One can also relate the billing document to a particular rebate process when they state the rebate type of document in the settlement field.

The credit memo checkbox which contains the base data sets the baseline date. This is agreed upon as the date on the original billing document. A section very rarely used is the negative posting section. This is only used if or when permitted by company rules and codes. There are many document types one can create in SAP Sales and Distribution.

Knowing the basic components of an SAP billing document helps one understand the creation process better.

Marissa Hart is the Lead Author & Editor ShareMe. ShareMe is a blog focused on SharePoint Online. SharePoint Online delivers the powerful features of SharePoint without the associated overhead of managing the infrastructure.